Dear Friends,

Welcome to Intelligentias !!

Who am I?

Those close to me describe thus:

  • The mind of a lawyer.
  • The heart of a researcher.
  • The vision of a journalist.
  • Loves Technology.

Why this Blog?

The underlying principle of this blog is – Prevention is better than Cure.

We try to raise questions and find solutions together as an individual, group, or even as national or global community as a whole because this issue affects the entire mankind.

The questions we raise:

  • What are the chemical ingredients found in water, food and cosmetics?
  • Do they cause toxicity in human, other animals, environment?
  • Are there any studies / medical reports that link them to cancer?
  • Do they adversely affect vital organs like the brain, circulatory system, nervous system, reproductive system etc.

Among solutions we are looking into:

Anticipatory Action:

Sometimes there may not be enough conclusive evidence against a particular ingredient about it being a cause of a particular disease or disorder.

In such cases are there some inconclusive reports /research which points out at particular ingredients and give a friendly warning which helps us anticipate possible harm and take appropriate action that help prevent such harm from occurring.

The Right To Know:

Do we as human beings and as a member of the civilized society have proper and accurate information about health and environmental impacts of the cosmetics we use or the food we eat or the water we drink?

Looking at Alternatives:

Do we have better alternatives that are friendly and beneficial to the human body as well as the environment?

Home Remedies:

Are there any home remedies that are a cheap, natural, eco-friendly alternative to the existing commercial offerings? If yes, how do we prepare them or from where do we procure them ?

No accusations / Finger pointing:

I am not a scientist / nor do I have any intention of judging or accusing any company,  corporation or a product.

There are already governmental agencies as well as world medical, health and environmental bodies that are better equipped and better qualified to make proper conclusions and arrive at the correct decision.

Better Living / Healthy Living:

This is an attempt to create an information source which helps people take an informed decision about what cosmetics to use, what food to eat and  to know more about the water that we drink.

To take an informed decision I try to provide information that is already available with the media, Scientific and Medical communities, Health and Environmental groups and talk to experts and get their opinions / suggestions if available and whenever time permits.

Finally, I sincerely hope that this the information in this blog makes a positive difference in all our lives and makes it richer, happier and fruitful.

- Kumar Dawada