Category: Avoiding toxins

When you buy a skin whitener, make sure you read the ingredients and check them out on the Skin Deep website.

Many Skin whiteners contain Hydroquinone, which lightens the skin by reducing melanin pigment in the skin. This unfortunately makes the skin more susceptible to cancer.

Also Hydroquinone is toxic to the body. It has negative effects on the skin,the nervous system, the reproductive system as well as the entire immune system.

Higher dosage of Hydroquinone in skin whiteners peels off the skin and makes the skin progressively thinner. With repeated use over a number of years the skin becomes so thin that the veins can be seen. The peeling does not stop and the face looks a permanent unnatural white while the rest of the body may still look the original color (provided the whitener is not used on other parts of the body)

The You Tube Video embedded below is a 10 minute video that displays the devastating effect of Skin Whiteners on women in Jamaica and Senegal.

The hyperlink below, leads to another news video covered by AFP TV, France.   This You Tube video focuses on the harmful effects of Skin Whiteners in that are sold on the gray market in France.

The Dark side of Skin Whiteners

There may be safe Skin Whiteners available in the market.

Do exercise caution and do some research before you give in to the temptation of getting fairer !!

For a change,  have something positive to talk about the Cosmetics Industry.

Ogilvy created this Evolution Ad Campaign for Dove soap years ago.

Loved it then and still love it.

Well done Dove !!

Wish more cosmetics companies will take  Corporate Responsibilities seriously.

Women around the world, especially impressionable teens suffer from low self esteem when they see glamorous models and film stars. In their quest to look beautiful they try to emulate the looks of the models and stars. This Ad video embedded via You Tube effectively blows the lid off the secret behind their beauty.

This is yet another well conceived Ad campaign for Dove soap.

In terms of concept, this Ad is even better than the Evolution campaign.

The Onslaught Ad depicts how teens are targeted by the Cosmetics companies through different means and distorts their view of beauty.

They accept the unrealistic standards of beauty set by the industry as defacto beauty standards and take recourse to everything from cosmetic surgery to weight loss programs to look lean and curvy.

Have embedded the Ad, courtesy – You Tube.

Once again – good work Dove.

The Dove, Real Esteem Ad Video is even more direct in its approach. It highlights the concerns of young impressionable girls and talks about creating real awareness among women so that they not only understand what real beauty is but also feel it within themselves.

Enjoy the video, courtesy – You Tube.

Found this informative video report of Komo 4 news on
It gives general information about hazards caused by ingredients like Parabens, Phthalates, Oxybenzone found in cosmetics.

It also talks about the Skin Deep website which provides an online cosmetic database.
It provides detailed information about a product, an ingredient or a company.
It provides a hazard score for a product on a scale of 0 – 10 where 0 – 2 is low hazard, 3- 6 is moderate hazard and a score of 7 – 10 means a high hazard product / ingredient.

It covers 55,000+ products, 9000+ ingredients, 2400+ brands and 1600+ companies. website provides product and ingredient information from the cosmetic company perspective. It is sponsored by the Personal Care Products Council and provides information on ingredients used in cosmetics and personal care products in USA.

Found an informative video on lead in lipstick on YouTube.

The lead in lipstick issue was taken up and covered by CNN.

The good news is that the video also says there are brands and products that do not contain lead.

Will focus on lead free lipsticks in detail in a later blog.

How do well educated, professionally successful women react when they come to know that a trusted beauty accessory like Lipstick is actually harmful to their health ? Do they feel furious, betrayed, indifferent ?

I showed the Times of India article on Lead in Lipsticks (about the CERS study) to a few beautiful ladies in the age group of 20 -30 and explained  the salient points of the study, the reaction obtained from them was quite interesting. Continue reading

Always thought presence of harmful chemicals in food and cosmetics was a hoax.

Why would respectable companies and brands resort to such a thing? After all it takes them years of R&D to design the right product mix and then spend big PR and marketing dollars  to build up the trust, good will and loyalty of their customers. Will anyone undergo so much trouble just to told one fine day that their product was and is harmful to their loyal customer base?

This exactly seems to be the case, when i read this article in the Times of India regarding High Lead content in Lipsticks Continue reading